Civil law

Civil Law constitutes the broad set of norms that govern the legal relations of the private life of both natural and legal persons. In this sense it includes the regulation of contracts and obligations, property rights (real rights), as well as those matters related to family relationships such as marriage, capacity, affiliation, including inheritance law. It represents a fundamental piece of the legal system, and because of this, the firm offers numerous services related to this area, listing some of the most common ones:

Family right

- Marriage contract.

- Separation, divorce, filiation procedures.

- Capacity procedures.

- Hereditary procedures.

Obligations and Contracts
- Preparation of contracts.
- Resolving and termination action.
- Contractual and non-contractual liability.
- Eviction of hidden defects.
- Assistance in sales.
Real rights and horizontal property
- Claim action.
- Judicial defense of possession.
- Community administration.
- Assistance to meetings.
- Claim of quotas to delinquent owners.

Administrative and Fiscal Law

Administrative Law is constituted by all the norms and regulations created by the State and public bodies to govern and structure certain areas of human activity, especially those of an economic or business nature. It is extremely difficult to find an activity that is not in any way affected by Administrative Law. Specific mention deserves tax and tax law, whose regulations are extremely volatile at present, requiring advice on these matters with special attention. It is because of this that the firm dedicates an important portion of its efforts to advising on Tax Administrative Law issues, usually as a complement to a main advice. In this regard, the following services stand out:

Administrative law
- Processing of work licenses.
- Processing of activity or exploitation license.
- Procedures before the Tourist Administration,
- Penalty procedure.
- Administrative resources.
Tax and Tax Law
- Full management service.
- Accounting for freelancers and companies.
- Advice on tax procedures (inspection and review).
- Tax planning.

Criminal law

Criminal Law constitutes that set of laws and norms of an imperative nature that collect and prohibit the behaviors that the legal system considers most harmful for life in society. These behaviors are the so-called crimes, which carry consequences that vary from imprisonment, to the deprivation of certain rights such as driving vehicles or carrying weapons; all this according to the specific crime committed and the circumstances of it. This is one of the traditional fields of law practice, the defense in criminal trial of the client. In this sense, some of the outstanding services offered by the firm are listed below.

Criminal Law (older)
- Defense of the investigated client.
- Individual accusation.
- Assistance to the detainee.
- Civil liability derived from the crime.
Juvenile Criminal Law
- Defense of the investigated minor.
- Advice to parents of the minor.
- Civil liability derived from the crime.

Commercial and Corporate Law

Commercial Law constitutes the set of specific rules and regulations that affect economic relations between merchants or companies, being therefore a specialization of Civil Law or private law. For its part, Corporate Law constitutes the set of rules that regulate the creation, internal government, existence and dissolution of commercial companies. In this area, the following services stand out:

Commercial Law
- Judicial representation of companies.
- Corporate operations.
- Assistance to meetings.
- Claim of payment instruments (letters and checks).
- Monitoring procedure.

Maritime Law
- Buying and selling of boats.
- Flagging of ships.
- Advice on companies charter.
Bankruptcy Law
- Contest of mercantile societies.
- Debt negotiation.
- Defense of bankruptcy creditors.

Procedural law

Procedural Law is constituted by those laws and regulations that establish and govern the different procedures before each of the jurisdictional organs of the system. In this sense, the firm acts in all jurisdictional orders listed below:

First Instance and Commercial Courts
- Ordinary procedure.
- Verbal procedure.
- Special procedures (family, affiliation and capacity).
- Contest of creditors.
Courts of Instruction and Criminal Matters
- Ordinary and abbreviated procedure.
- Procedures for violence against women.
- Corporate crimes.
Contentious-Administrative Courts
- Challenge of administrative sanctions
- Assets claims to the Administration.

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